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SuperResolution Image Processing Lab.

본 연구실의 홍순영 학생이 연구한 “Single Image Dehazing via Atmospheric Scattering Model-based Image Fusion”  제목의 논문이 Signal Processing (Impact factor : 4.384, Rank : Q1) 에 게재가 확정되었다. 본 연구는 연세대학교 전기전자공학과 통합과정 홍순영 학생(1저자), 통합과정 김민섭 학생(2저자)과 강문기 교수(교신저자)가 진행하였다.

Scene visibility in outdoor images is often deteriorated by bad weather conditions such as snow, haze, and rain. Especially, the degradation due to haze is typically observed in the form of faded color and low contrast of images. To overcome image degradation, dehazing algorithms based on the atmospheric scattering model employ transmission map estimation, which is related to the haze density across the depth of scenes. However, estimating the depth of the outdoor scene without additional information is challenging and erroneously estimated depth leads to a dehazed image of poor quality. In this paper, we propose a fusion-based dehazing algorithm that does not require direct estimation of the transmission map. The intermediate latent images are obtained by restoring the scene radiance with several globally constant transmission values based on the atmospheric scattering model. Using this approach, only the region where the particular transmission corresponds to the ground truth is dehazed successfully in each image. These images are merged into the haze-free result via the fusion algorithm, which selectively uses the information of the patches from the latent images. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm effectively removes haze and outperforms the several dehazing methods based on quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
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