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SuperResolution Image Processing Lab.

[8/3] 제58회 BERC 초청세미나 안내

2009.08.03 10:48

관리자 조회 수:20716

한국과학재단 지정 우수연구센터(ERC)로 지정된 생체인식연구센터의
제58회 초청 세미나를 아래 일정으로 개최합니다.

- 아 래 -

제 목 : Human Computer Interaction in the View of Pattern Recognition and Pen-Computing
일 시 : 2009년 8월 12일 (수) PM 4:00 ~
장 소 : 산학협동연구관 310호 생체인식연구센터(BERC)
강 사 : 신중필 교수 (University of Aizu, Japan)

We are mainly studying the way to use human handwriting with pen-tablet system. Since the handwritten characters using the pen-tablet have their time information, with which we can have the knowledge of the writing order of a character, they are called on-line handwritten characters. The topics about it are as follows: On-line stroke-order and Stroke-number free character recognition, Signature verification, Signature evaluation, Kanji (Chinese characters in Japanese) learning System, Handwritten style font generation system (Handwriting synthesis with one's style), and Oriental writing brush implementation (3D virtual brush). Besides, one of our research topics, Map search system—finding the matching area on a map with input shapes is not related to handwriting directly, but the recognition problem in it is basically same to the handwriting researches and the solution could be shared with.
Computer vision is the second topic we are interested in, and our focuses are on human tracking mainly in this subject. We are currently working with BWR Operator Training Center (BTC) developing a tracking-software for the company. The task is to detect, identify and track the people in the room onto a 2D map in multiple-camera environment. Several problems lie before the goal: detection failure of people, multiple detection of a person, and occlusion of objects.

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